Thanksgiving Eve

It was the night before Thanksgiving
as I sat in my chair 
sipping a beer 
and not having a care

The TV was on
The news woman said
They found a guy tied up 
in his house, he was dead

A few beers later
The room started to twirl
My head was all fuzzy
I was ready to hurl

I opened my eyes
And what did I see
A turkey in lingerie
Looking at me

The turkey it seems
Was dressed in her best
Her long firm thighs
And her perky young breasts

Hey there big boy
The shy turkey said
If you undress
I’ll take you to bed

Now quick as a flash
I jumped from my chair
Throwing off my clothes
Up into the air

We got to the bedroom
Quiet as a mime
I lay there ready
For a really good time

The turkey came in
Licking her lips
As her bra came off
She said this

Now regular sex is nice
As you’ve had before
But if I can tie you up
It will be sex to die for

Using a rope 
my hands and feet she had tied
I couldn’t move
Even if I tried

She left the room
For some reason or another
When she returned 
she had some butter

This butter I’ll rub
All over, every where
Now be a good boy
And put your butt
In the air

Now the butter was slippery
Where ever she rubbed
But she really pressed hard
When she got to my butt

I was getting nervous
When she said
Happy thanksgiving my
Dear Fred

This is payback
For turkey days past
You have stuffed turkeys
And this will be your last

My aunt, my uncle 
and my brother
My cousin, my sister 
and my mother

They were cooked
and stuffed by your hand
Now it’s your turn
My little man

She pulled out a dildo
As big as my arm
It became clear
She meant me some harm

She went to work on my rectum
The pain made me shout
The pain was so much 
That I passed out.

They found me the next day
Tied up and dead
With a few turkey feathers
Under my head

Now let this tale be
A warning and lesson to take
Happy Thanksgiving
And instead of turkey 
It’s pasta you should make